Will Dickinson

Will has built 3 companies (1 exit, 2 profitable), has angel invested in over 50 companies and has a background in biology, robotics, SaaS & AI.

Will started Fanpics alongside Dan in 2013, which was sold to the Demandforce team in 2018. Since then Will has built 2 profitable companies, a video platform for e-commerce brands (venture-backed) and an AI imaging technology that now services clinics in every continent (bootstrapped).

Dan Magy

Dan has built 4 companies (2 exits, 1 profitable), has raised over $100M in venture and has a background in economics, hardware, defence & medtech.

Dan started Fanpics alongside Will in 2013. He then started Citadel (Lightspeed backed) a drone defence company which sold to Blue Halo. After this he founded Elevate, a medtech mobility company. He now runs Firestorm (Lockheed Martin backed) a modular autonomous drone systems.